

At Ortho Medics we treat a full spectrum of gait and musculoskeletal conditions present at birth or caused by illness or injury, with an extensive range of innovative, personalized solutions to help you achieve your goals. OrthoMedics practitioners have extensive experience with fabricating custom devices for pediatric patients. We understand that children are just that, children! Fabricating devices for active, growing kids takes a unique approach, for us a very enjoyable one.

Pediatric Ankle & Foot Solutions

An ankle-foot orthosis, or AFO, is a support intended to control the position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness, or correct deformities. AFOs can be used to support weak limbs, or to position a limb with contracted muscles into a more normal position. Common conditions that are treated with AFOs include spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, physical deformity, and other genetic or neurological disorders.

AFOs are commonly prescribed in conjunction with physical therapy. The use of an AFO can help the physical therapist teach your child the correct foot position and then allow him or her to maintain it.

Cranial Therapy

Orthomedics offers free initial scanning for cranial remolding helmets. This is a custom made orthosis available by prescription only. It is used to treat infants between 3 and 18 months of age for asymmetrical head shapes such as positional plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and scaphocephaly. 

We use advanced scanning and precise 3D printing to make a customized, super-thin orthosis that gently guides cranial growth. The innovative MySize Closure System™ self-adjusts as your baby’s head develops, while the open-air design ensures maximum comfort and hygiene.